We are an online jewelry store based in Shanghai, proudly offering our own brand, Beautiful Elf, to wholesale customers around the world. With over a decade of experience in retail and wholesale jewelry, we specialize in creating customized pieces for global clients. Additionally, we provide a wide range of beautiful earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, and more, ensuring that women everywhere have access to the latest trends at the most direct prices.
We believe that no matter your wealth, age, or where you live, every woman deserves to own beautiful, reasonably priced jewelry, regardless of her social status.
We believe that every woman, regardless of wealth, age, or location, deserves affordable jewelry, no matter her social status.
When we first embarked on this journey, people told us we should target men, as they are the ones who buy jewelry for women.
This notion made us uncomfortable and even angry, but today we are proud to say that we have proven them wrong. Through Beautiful Elf, we have built a strong community platform that we will continue to nurture. With your support, we aim to create real value for you and me, and for all members of our global online community, particularly for impoverished young girls in developing countries. Our profits will be used to help these girls gain access to education and career opportunities.